Order Hotline: 800-677-8185     Toll Free: 800-677-8185
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Member Of Teleflora Member of Society of American Florists

The Foliage Shoppe
Formerly at 3304 Sam Houston Dr, Victoria, TX 7790
1107 E. Red River St.
Victoria, TX 77901
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The Foliage Shoppe is now serviced by McAdams Floral


Zen Artistry Bouquet

It's artistic arrangements like this one that make flowers such an integral and beautiful ingredient in feng shui. A brilliant green container and exotic palm leaf provide the perfect backdrop for purple orchids and a mix of delightful tropical flowers. This gift takes artistry to new heights.


Purple dendrobium orchids, green carnations, dark pink Sweet William, an emerald palm leaf and other tropical greens.

Item #: T81-1

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Satisfaction Guaranteed

Zen Artistry Bouquet by The Foliage Shoppe
Zen Artistry Bouquet by The Foliage ShoppeZen Artistry Bouquet by The Foliage ShoppeZen Artistry Bouquet by The Foliage Shoppe
Zen Artistry Bouquet by The Foliage ShoppeZen Artistry Bouquet by The Foliage ShoppeZen Artistry Bouquet by The Foliage Shoppe