Order Hotline: 800-677-8185     Toll Free: 800-677-8185
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The Foliage Shoppe
Formerly at 3304 Sam Houston Dr, Victoria, TX 7790
1107 E. Red River St.
Victoria, TX 77901
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The Foliage Shoppe is now serviced by McAdams Floral


Victorian Romance

Romance blossoms beautifully within this elegant bouquet. The serenity and innocence of cream-colored roses is in delightful juxtaposition with lavender waxflower and fresh ivy greens. It's as romantic as a stroll through the English countryside.

A dozen crème roses, lavender waxflower and ivy are perfectly arranged in a serenity glass vase. Standard : 12 Roses Deluxe : 18 Roses Premium : 24 Roses Approximately 17" W x 15" H.

Item #: T69-1A

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Victorian Romance by The Foliage Shoppe