Order Hotline: 800-677-8185     Toll Free: 800-677-8185
Proud Member
Member Of Teleflora Member of Society of American Florists

The Foliage Shoppe
Formerly at 3304 Sam Houston Dr, Victoria, TX 7790
1107 E. Red River St.
Victoria, TX 77901
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The Foliage Shoppe is now serviced by McAdams Floral


Heaven's Comfort

A life-affirming gift of faith and hope is always appreciated in a family's darkest hours. This elegant cross delivers that message in a way that will touch many hearts.

Green hydrangea along with a dazzling mix of exotic green flowers and leaves create a beautiful and textured cross, delivered on an easel. Approximately 22" W x 35" H.

Item #: T247-1A

1Select Size
Plus Service/Delivery Fee and Sales Tax


Satisfaction Guaranteed

Heaven's Comfort by The Foliage Shoppe